Friday, March 19, 2010

Students in Higher Education... WTF???

Watch the video posted above...

I've been working at a position that supports students in online MS programs from a major university. During this time, I have slowly become convinced that a complete overhaul of the educational system in our country is long overdue.

Why? Because many of the institutions of higher education are still bogged down in the "established" methods of teaching students: making them sit still in a classroom and take notes while some self-important TA is lecturing on a subject that likely will never be relevant in their chosen profession.

Especially when you consider that technology moves so fast today, that many graduates (in as little as 2-4 years from now) may find themselves employed in a job that currently doesn't even exist - and may not even be on the horizon.

Get with the digital program; computers / tech are not the enemy - embrace the paradigm shift and move ahead in a manner that will produce true scholars: not academics mired down in the analog world of the past century. Shake off the dust and discover the new opportunities the world is offering everyone!

Just take a look at what's happening (see video below...)

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