Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Apple Demands Removal Of USB Sharing Feature In Stanza iPhone App

Apple Demands Removal Of USB Sharing Feature In Stanza iPhone App

Ok, now they're starting to piss me off. As a die-hard Apple fanatic - going back to the Lisa, for God's sake - this company is starting to irritate me in a big way.

Apple: please remember the reason that your machines largely escape hacker / virus attacks - the geeks couldn't stand Bill Gates and his controlling nature. PC's were vulnerable, because the market of tek freaks was not pleased. Do you really think you are immune from this potential??

Leave the book market alone! The iPad is a pretty toy - with an awful name - and I don't mind your entering the competition for eBooks. However, the fact that you're now trying to use muscle to get your way (through the USB issue, as well as the MacMillan issue) is really leading me down a path I never wanted to take.

People are loyal because you've been a class act; don't ruin that.


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