Monday, February 1, 2010

Kids and Internet Usage

Sometimes, I'm amazed by the brilliance of today's youth. At other times, I am stunned by their lack of sensibility...

One has to be aware of sooooo much on the 'net in order to maintain any form of safety for your kids; they just don't have the experience (yet) to do it for themselves. One thing I've learned - let them have a Facebook account, provided you have access and/or are listed as a friend.

I was looking at my son's page today - and there is was:  he had become a "fan" of something called IMVU. Needless to say, I was a taken aback by the fact that I had let something slip under my radar...

Seems its a virtual reality 3D world - where you get to create an avatar and live another life in a realm of digital fantasy. I'm not going to debate the pros/cons of this - but I do have an issue with a 14-year old that creates an account over at a site that states anyone under the age of 18 must have their parents permission to join...

So I posted a little note on his Facebook relevant to that topic; he'll see it, and have at least a couple of hours before I get home to figure out what my reaction is going to be (and believe it or not, he doesn't have a clue that I write this blog...)

He gets to stew in his own tech soup...

What fun ;-)


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