Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New technology revealed to help older people get a better night’s sleep

Isn't it nice to know that technology may be able to help me sleep better, as I age?

Hell, I fall asleep in the chair in my living room as it is. While I appreciate their efforts, it would seem that they passing over network television as a major sleep inducer. Provides the light for safety, along with content that will lull you into a stupor (unless its coverage of a Tea Party event...)

One think that surprised me is that they incorporated a website for seniors into their research: ‘Sleep problems in later life’ (www.healthtalkonline.org). That's it... wear out their eyes! We'll drop off in no time reading this stuff...

I probably shouldn't be so cynical towards these efforts, but with every additional year added to my life, the more sensitive I become about young people telling me how things should / should not work.


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