Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Google 2.4% Rate Shows How $60 Billion Lost to Tax Loopholes"

There's something seriously wrong with a country when one of the leading technology companies is allowed to funnel money through a variety of international operations to effectively reduce its tax rate to 2.5%.

In this election year, we hear politicians sniping at each other about the proper way to treat corporate entities - but to allow a company the size of Google (a company, I must admit that I admire) to manipulate its tax responsibility in such an egregious fashion is near obscene. No wonder we're in this financial recession, when we allow corporations to 

legally maneuver this amount of money out of the country.

Taxes pay the bills. To avoid taxes (which is an ingrained tradition among American corporations - I don't mean to single out Google here) in such a manner is not only unrealistic, it borders on unpatriotic behavior. It hurts our country, our people, and benefits only those on wall street - and we are all familiar with the benefits they've provided us with over the past couple of years.  

Time to accept a little responsibility for the financial well-being of your country of origin, Google.

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