Sunday, October 9, 2011

iPhone 4s -your thoughts?

Ok, I admit that I was glued to the Apple event on 10/4 regarding the new iPhone announcement. I've held onto my iPhone 3 for almost a year past my contract expiration, in the hopes of a shiny new communication toy debuting the day after my birthday. 

What did we get? Largely some basic upgrades, an piece of 'AI' called Siri that will allow you to control your phone via voice commands - but no physical changes. Probably the best news was that I could get an iPhone 4 for the reduced price of $99 when I renew my contract with AT&T. 

Apparently the pre-sales on the new 4s are pretty astounding (reportedly around 200,000 already sold via AT&T alone) - but I don't understand the excitement over what are largely "geek-y" upgrades and no radical physical change. I can stand next to the owner of an iPhone 4s with a lower-price iPhone 4 and you'd be hard pressed to tell which one of us has the newest iteration. 

Got to admit that I'm an Apple fan - but I'm seriously considering a Galaxy SII because i really like the larger screen (maybe its my eyes telling me that it's time to quit straining on those smaller screens...)

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